WTF Events

God is a DJ

written by:

Kreso WTF

posted on:

July 17, 2023


Forestland pays tribute to Maxi Jazz with graffiti mural.

Music, songwriting and DJ legend Maxi Jazz passed away in 2022, inspiring millions with his artistry. As the lead singer of Faithless, he was involved in the generational anthems „We come 1“, „Insomnia“ and „God is a DJ,“ among others. Forestland and graffiti artist Kreks dedicated a mural to him.

Forestland Festival 2019

For as long as we can remember, we’ve had „Insomnia“ and „God is a DJ“ blasting out of our speakers, from our first parties to all the Forestland events. Maxi Jazz, Faithless and the entire music scene that came out of his singing, energy and lifestyle inspired us all. We as a group are grateful to Kreks for creating a beautiful memory, a mural dedicated to Maxi Jazz, which we hope will inspire the new generation as much as it inspired us,“ said Krešo Biškup from the Forestland team. „Croatia is known for its coastal festivals, but for ten years we have been building one of the most authentic and original festival stories you have ever seen. Our backdrops are trees, our fencing is the surrounding forest and a few streams, our music and vibe is something you have to feel for yourself.“

“God is a DJ” is a message from Croatia’s Forestland Festival team, a festival surrounded by sunflowers, murals, streams and lush green forests that has been blasting from the speakers for over a decade. The next Forestland Festival will be held from 21st to 23rd of July 2023.

By Gv19861 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
By Gv19861 – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,


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